Well.. nothing much actually since hubby is not around, he left the day before to Shen Zhen, China. No flowers, no chocolate, no candy, but I've got a not so valentine card from Mer. He made it in school, of course with instructions from the teacher and he only did the glittering parts. He doesn't understand what is V Day, not yet.. I didn't explain either.
One thing out of my expectation is, he said: "等下我們去結婚" = 'later we go get married". hahaha.. from a 2-and-a-half-year-old boy.
But Mer, I can't marry you, 'cos I'm married to baba.. without giving up, he continues to asked me why .. how sweet..
My day continue on with the normal routine.. getting home for dinner which already prepared by my mom, then get the boys a bath each, then bed time story which the boys love and won't miss it every night. After they are sleeping, that's when my creative day begins, I enter into my scrapbooking world. Did a page about Mer but still haven't put in the journaling. Gonna post it up later in "The Daily".
That's about it, my valentine's day with kisses from my two sons, which is enough to make my day.
Happy belated Valentine's Day and hope we all treat our everyday as our Valentine's Day.
One thing out of my expectation is, he said: "等下我們去結婚" = 'later we go get married". hahaha.. from a 2-and-a-half-year-old boy.
My day continue on with the normal routine.. getting home for dinner which already prepared by my mom, then get the boys a bath each, then bed time story which the boys love and won't miss it every night. After they are sleeping, that's when my creative day begins, I enter into my scrapbooking world. Did a page about Mer but still haven't put in the journaling. Gonna post it up later in "The Daily".
That's about it, my valentine's day with kisses from my two sons, which is enough to make my day.
Happy belated Valentine's Day and hope we all treat our everyday as our Valentine's Day.