Cal is down with a false measles, the hybrid I suppose. Nothing to worried about, just that he'll be miserable with itches all over his body. Ever since the jab on Saturday for Immunity on flu, he got fever on Monday, then early Tuesday morning, he starts to develop this measles. I wasn't sure what is it at first, mom said is something to do with the fever syrup that he took and something to do with his body, which in case he hasn't got enough water and was under the sun. He seems ok yesterday when I left and mom said he seems to get better, but last night he itch again and I thought to myself I better get him to see the doctor and make sure he is ok to get on board this weekend.
Now he is at home with my mom and will be having bath with some herbs to lessen the itchiness and also cool his body down a bit. Well.. for sure he is "manja" now. And start calling me in the office to ask for sweets and requested to be in my office again. He loves to be in my office 'cos he gets to explore new things.

When I told my sis about their venture, she said: "yupe, like usual, they are the supervisors and our directors some more." (about her kids)
Ya.. that is the same case with me. They like to watch what us, the adults do, they are just so curious, and at the same time supervising us.