Photos processed

Yupe, finally got some (ya.. some only) of my vacation photos developed. They are just too many now for me to choose. I should have got it develop once I've got my digicam back. Oh well.. too late now and it seems that the more I drag on, the lazier I get to develop them.
There were one part that all the photos we took during the zoo trip was over expose, so the result wasn't that good, contain lots of white patches on our forehead. *sigh*

Anyway, glad that I can finally look at some of them and maybe show them to my kids, I'm sure they would really love to look at their own photos. Kids!

There are still those that we took during Christmas that I haven't get them develop. Well.. they'll have to wait. Cos I was already having a hard time choosing in the print shop and didn't even realise that someone was waiting in line.

On another thing about baking.. well.. I didn't quite look at what I should do yet and further more I haven't got all those ingredient ready.. I might have to disappoint Cal tomorrow.. (another *sigh*)

Well.. at least today is a Friday, TGIF!
