Qing Ming (清明)

Today is Qing Ming (清明), I remember when we were kids, me and my sisters always rhyme this during 清明:
清明時節雨紛紛, (Rainy day during Ching Ming)
路上行人欲斷魂。 (Padestrian feel so sad, almost loosing his soul)
借問酒家何處有? (Ask where can find [soul] from the wine shop)
牧童遙指杏花村 (Shepherd boy point to a village)

[aiya.. direct translate one la.. so not sure if the grammar is correct, just handam.]

But we always change the last three words to "Bak Kung San" (In Hakka means cemetery)

Then we would tell ghost stories and don't go out that day, mostly just stay home after school.
Yupe.. Ching Ming today.. ghost day.. eeeeee....
