Where have I been?

Goodness, I've almost totally forgotten about this blog. I've been abondoning it for so long! The last post was in July! Goodness! Hannie, where have you been!??

Well, I've been updating my other two blogs, my scrapbook & craft blog; and my personal blog, which also helps me to get some return in my PayPal account. Thus I've also been surfing online and getting my scrapbook stuff online with what I've got in PayPal. Not a lot but at least something for me to look forward to.

I've actually planned to write a review on X-Files (the 2nd movie). But just couldn't put myself down to write about it. Maybe I'll talk abit about it here right now.

I like the movie, I love it especially when this one it got more lovey dovey things shown between Agen Scully and Fox Mulder. I love it 'cos I get to see Fox Mulder hunky body *wink* But this time, it doesn't really felt like X-Files, to me it is not so X-Files.. it is just something else rather than the normal X-Files that I saw. Still, I love it!

The eerie part to me was when the doctor wanted to cut off the head of the victim.. yiak!!

I've got my pop-corn ready after getting our tickets in Growball CPS. We (me and my colleague)were surprised to find that it was on Theatre 8! The new theatre situated in between Palm Square and stretch until the 8th floor! It was pretty new, toilet was clean (still) and the way they number the seats are different. It has been separated into odd and even number, but we got number 1 & 2, so it doesn't matter which entrance we took, we'll still end up in the middle of the theatre.

Just one thing I wanted to complaint is the lighting on the staircase, it is not enough and misleading, my colleague even twisted her ankle!

I hope that next time when I do go there again, the toilet is still clean, the seats are still nice and comfortable.
